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WMAT Academy Consultation

  Consultation about a proposal to establish West Midlands Academy Trust

The Governing Bodies of Hall Green School, Kings Norton Girls’ School, and Swanshurst School are consulting about our joint proposal to establish a new multi-academy trust (West Midlands Academy Trust, WMAT) and for all three schools to become academy schools within WMAT.

Hall Green, Kings Norton and Swanshurst are each high-performing, popular and successful. We share high aspirations for our students, high expectations of staff and students, and cultures of excellence. This proposal is about our shared commitment to future improvement. We are proposing to establish West Midlands Academy Trust (WMAT) because we believe that there are advantages for our students and staff.

If WMAT is formed, each school would retain its school name, our age-range, school uniform, admissions criteria, and existing staff. Term dates would continue to be set within the context of local schools. Hall Green would continue to be co-educational, while Kings Norton and Swanshurst would continue to educate girls for Y7 to Y11 and have co-educational Sixth Forms.

Further information is available in the consultation document and a more detailed Question and Answer document, both of which are available on this website.

The consultation closes on 28th June 2024. Please share your views before then, either by completing the short online questionnaire that is available here or by writing to the Headteacher at the school address. (Note, all responses will be considered by all three Governing Bodies).

WMAT – Consultation Doc

WMAT – Consultation Q&A