Meet our Community
Pupil Premium
Hall Green School welcomes the initiative to provide ring fenced funding, via the Pupil Premium, to support those who received free school meals in the last 6 years (FSM6). This is a limited fund that we want to use strategically to ensure our pupils who most need extra financial help receive targeted support that secures improved outcomes. If support is available for a particular resource or school trip, the ParentPay website will contain details for those who are eligible.
Funding for 2024-2025 is £371 700 including additional LAC funding and the Recovery Premium to help pupils overcome the lost learning create by the pandemic. The Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2024-2025 summarises our approach to closing the gap for Pupil Premium pupils.
At Hall Green, our aim is to not only ensure Pupil Premium pupils make as much progress as their peers in school, but to strive to ensure Pupil Premium and Other pupils leave with the same levels of attainment. Since 2017 we have been a RADY (Raising Attainment of Disadvantaged Youngsters) school and work with Challenging Education and their network of schools to help us achieve our aims. When pupils arrive at Hall Green, they are set challenging targets based on FFT 20 benchmarking in all of their academic subjects and these challenging targets reflect our ambition. Pupil Premium pupils also have their targets uplifted to ensure that the gap that has been opened in KS1 and KS2 does not lead to lower targets for the end of KS4. We have recently restructured our curriculum model in KS3 to enable more Pupil Premium pupils to move into upper band as a result of their RADY target uplift.
We look to put Pupil Premium pupils first at every opportunity to help them close the gap to other pupils. We put Pupil Premium pupils first in the class room, we make sure that there is full access to trips and visits offered by the school and access to our wider curriculum offer, we make sure all data meetings and progress meetings have a strong Pupil Premium focus and we look to make sure that all support for Pupil Premium pupils becomes systemic as a result of the leadership and processes of all staff in school.
We spend the pupil premium as laid out in this statement and evaluate the impact of this additional funding regularly and objectively. Whilst recognising that success is multi-causal, we are evidenced based and use internal progress data alongside national research (including the EEF) and evidence from the South Network in Birmingham, the Birmingham Education Partnership and Challenging Education to help evaluate the impact of our work and identify areas in which more progress can be made. Our work with Pupil Premium pupils has been showcased by both OFSTED and the Social Mobility Commission. We are proud of our record with Pupil Premium pupils and are now looking to further embed our success and continue to close gaps in progress and attainment by overcoming the additional challenges presented by the pandemic and lockdowns.
To further help us deliver the best outcomes for our Pupil Premium pupils we scheduled an external review of our Pupil Premium provision led by the Birmingham Education Partnership in October 2023. Jane Egerton, an OFSTED Inspector, led the review and commented in her report that:
- The Head Teacher has created a team in school to have direct oversight of the pupil premium strategy and its implementation and this is led by an experienced member of the senior leadership team ably supported by other senior academic and pastoral leaders who act as pupil premium champions.
- The vision and values of the school and passion shown by leaders in raising aspirations and outcomes for disadvantaged students is palpable. Leaders have ensured that no student has felt to be part of an intervention plan or singled out for support. Intervention work is carried out quietly and methodically for pupils’ benefit and with their full engagement. Leaders clearly work with passion and drive, were knowledgeable about the requirements this money brings with it, and work to a well-constructed plan which is constantly reviewed and evaluated.
We hope that parents and carers of our Pupil Premium children will continue to work closely with the school, so that we can all achieve our aims. We also believe that our free school meals figure is not necessarily an accurate reflection of need in our community, and would encourage all families to contact us if funding has become a barrier to the progress of their sons and daughters.
In addition to pupils eligible for free school meals, the government has added an additional category to the eligibility criteria for Pupil Premium. This came in force in April 2014. If your son/daughter is adopted and was looked after immediately before adoption on or after 30 December 2005, being placed on a special guardianship order (SGO) or residence order (RO) they may qualify. If you wish to discuss this new criteria with a member of staff or inform the school that this applies to your son/daughter please contact the school.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-22
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-21