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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

We at Hall Green School are very proud of our well-established careers provision, and we continue to offer a range of trips, activities, support mechanisms, specialist advice sessions, and instances of exposure to employers and workplaces. Our personalised approach begins in Year 7 and continues throughout your child’s time here. We work with local and multinational businesses, sole-traders, independent advisers, further/higher education providers, prospective employers, local council, and guest speakers alongside attending numerous events and trips to help your child gain a well-rounded view of the potential pathways they may like to explore. For our pupils with special or specific needs, we ensure a bespoke programme of guidance and additional support when required.

In terms of further and higher education, we ensure all pupils have the highest aspirations when exploring the possibility of studying Further Education courses, such as:

  • A Levels
  • Level 1/2/3 courses
  • BTEC courses/Technical Qualifications (T Levels will be available Sept 2020).
  • Apprenticeships

Volunteers wanted

We would like to invite parents, carers or employers to support our upcoming Year 10 Practice Interviews Day on Wednesday 2nd  April 2025.

You may have heard stories in the media that have suggested when young people leave school, they aren’t ‘work-ready’ or they don’t always have the necessary communication skills needed for the workplace. Here at Hall Green School, we are dedicated to making every effort to help prepare our students to be able to enter into employment for the future. It is more crucial than ever before that they know how to have self-belief, confidence and ‘sell’ themselves to a potential educational provider or employer. 

As part of the school’s Careers Programme, every year we invite a number of volunteers to represent a wide range of career sectors who will conduct a 1 to 1 practice interview.

The Learning Objectives for pupils are;

• Build self-confidence when speaking to new people.
• To experience a formal interview situation in preparation for the future.
• To realise their own strengths, abilities and identifying the skills to develop further.
• Understanding the value of ‘doing well’ at school.
• Learn the good practice of putting together a ‘Progress File’ and ‘C.V’.
• To see the importance of appearance, body language and attitude.
• Gain knowledge of the interviewer’s job role and organisation.

Pupils will have an assembly and Form Time session to look at why we have interviews, their importance and how to prepare for one. They will each produce a word processed and printed Curriculum Vitae, as well as putting together a Record of Achievement portfolio folder of evidence.

The volunteer Interviewers will be questioning the pupils about their skills, achievements and possible future career ideas. Interviewers will also talk about their own role, their place of work and drawing on their own interview experiences.

During this event, all year 10 pupils will be given the opportunity to have an interview of up to about 15-20 minutes. Where possible, we try to match the pupil to an interviewer that the pupil has an interest with. At the end of the interview, a Feedback Form will be completed, showing how the interview went, highlighting any areas for improvement.

We appreciate that your time is precious, therefore, we offer our volunteers 3 times slots to choose from;

We would be delighted if you can join us for the whole event, but if that is not possible, please consider the shorter sessions.  

Group 1 whole event

 8:25am – 1:10pm

approximately 8 interviews

Group 2

 8:25am – 10:50am

approximately 4 interviews

Group 3 

 10:45am – 1.10pm

approximately 4 interviews

We will require 22 volunteers at any one time. Once we have received your confirmation, we can then send you further details.

Please can volunteers kindly register on this Microsoft Form Practice Interviews Registration Form 2/4/2025  by  Tuesday 18th March 2025

This event helps meet the school’s benchmarks of Quality Careers Guidance 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.

If anybody would like to have an informal chat about this event, please let us know in your registration form. 

Please note, the registration form will close when the maximum number of volunteers has been reached.

Many thanks

Miss Homer

Careers Leader




All pupils will experience some aspect of higher/further education before they leave in Year 11, and this is reflected in our excellent destination data which continues to outperform other schools nationally.

Our Careers Leader is Miss Homer ( Tel: 0121 628 8787.


Hall Green Schools’ Enterprise Adviser!

Hi, I am Manisha Kaur and I’m thrilled to be Hall Green Secondary Schools’ Enterprise Adviser! I will be working with Miss Homer to support the school’s career programme as well as getting involved with careers events and providing information and insights to the various career paths available.

I studied at HGS between 2007 and 2012 and then went onto study A-Levels before graduating from Aston University with BEng Chemical Engineering degree.

I currently work as an IT Consultant for Infor, a global ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) company that designs and implements specialist software for its clients in various industries from automotive to chemicals. With Infor, I am also undertaking a degree apprenticeship with TDM and the University of Wolverhampton for a BSc in Digital Solutions and Technology.  My role includes analyzing, designing, architecting and implementing software, systems and solutions for our clients.

As well as technology and the sciences, I love the creative arts! I have written and published a novel called ‘My Friend’s Dream’ and have taken part in many extracurricular activities such as participating in the Miss England West Midlands contest, supporting education and supporting Birmingham City Council with their campaign to reduce waste in the city by creating sketch videos.

I have always been involved in school engagement from attending careers events to judging the spectacular HGS Talent Show! I truly believe that encouraging students to explore different career paths and gaining work experience/insights into a wide variety of career paths can help young people make their all-important career decisions.

I look forward to working with Miss Homer and everyone at HGS!

Hall Green School Careers Provision Evaluation

The vast majority of schools and colleges including Hall Green School are now evaluating their careers programme using Compass+. This online platform offers a process to help to identify progress and gaps in careers provision, which is valuable for engaging colleagues and making improvements to ensure every young person is able to find their best next step.

This evaluation is completed once a term and is marked against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of Quality Careers Guidance.  We were delighted to score 100% for each benchmark in the latest evaluation in December 2024.

The Careers Impact System evaluation organised by the Careers and Enterprise Company goes a step further to find out what difference the careers programme makes to young people. Hall Green School were one of the first schools to take part in this this process in February 2024. We were involved in a Peer to Peer Review to feedback and present our findings to other schools in the South Network.

Understanding the link between careers activities and outcomes for young people will help to ensure that careers programmes are high quality, effective and responsive. Often what makes a difference is not just what the activity is, but how it is delivered.

Our evaluations help us:

  • To improve the effectiveness of career programmes
  • To demonstrate the value of careers provision for student outcomes
  • To inform continuous improvement of careers provision


Evaluations are ongoing and strategy is set by the Careers Leader and Deputy Head with Careers responsibility. All careers activities are discussed and reviewed at fortnightly line manager meetings and these evaluations form the end of year annual Careers Report shared with ESLT and governors.

Evaluation Evaluation of impact Type of Evaluation
Term 1 Year 7 Meet the Employers Pupil & Volunteers Feedback Microsoft Forms
Year 9 & 11 Careers Fair Pupil & Volunteers Feedback Microsoft Forms
Compass+ Evaluation Whole provision evaluation
Term 2 Year 11 Parents Evening Survey Following post 16 providers in attendance
  Year 11 Apprenticeships Registration Session Pupil Feedback Microsoft Forms
  Year 7 Future Skills Questionnaire Online Surveys of careers related knowledge and understanding
  Year 11 Future Skills Questionnaire
  Year 11 A Positive Future for all Pupil & Volunteers Feedback Microsoft Forms
  Year 10 Practice Interviews Pupil & Volunteers Feedback Microsoft Forms
  Year 11 Careers Guidance Meetings Intended Destinations and Careers Guidance Microsoft Forms
  Compass+ Evaluation Whole provision evaluation
Term 3 Year 10 College Taster Day Pupil & staff Feedback Microsoft Forms
  Year 10 Work Experience Placements Pupil’s logbook Feedback
  Employer’s Reports
  Compass+ Evaluation Whole provision evaluation



Careers Guidance

A Parent’s Guide to Careers Guidance

The decisions young people make from an early stage at school can have a big impact on their future career choices and happiness. There are also parent sections in some of the resources above and below.  National Careers Week (NCW) (a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK) also have a parents guide (click here to view). This guide by Cascaid is designed to provide an overview of how parents can help support their children with these important choices.

Birmingham Careers Service
Hall Green School works closely with Birmingham Careers Service in providing an independent, impartial advisor whom all of year 11 will have a 1 to 1 appointment with in school, throughout the year. Here pupils will receive an individual Action Plan that they can share with parents and carers of what they discussed and what advice was given.
If you know of any young people who are aged between 16-19 or someone who has a learning difficulty and/or disability then up to 25, who are not in education or training and would benefit from some support please direct them to here they can view the local outreach offices and make an appointment to speak to an advisor. They can also call on 0121 675 6105.

To view weekly Careers bulletins please go The Birmingham Careers Hub Website

Unifrog Careers Platform
In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next steps after school, we are using Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers and destinations platform. All students in Years 7-11 have access to this website.
Unifrog is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own individual account where they can explore all the career and next step options available to them and find information on everything from managing their workload to writing a winning CV. Students have access to a wide variety of video and written content, and interactive quizzes and tests, including:
Section of the platform
Examples of what students can do
Suitable age range
Finding their interests, personality type, preferred work environment, and skillset.
Years 7-11
Exploring pathways
Explore careers, career sectors, subjects, sign-up to free webinars, explore MOOCs and courses, and find wider reading materials.
Years 7-11
Recording activities, interactions and Work Experience
A personal Career Journey records all of the pupils’ in-class and extracurricular activities, this records examples of their skills, and events the school has added to their accounts. Pupils should also add on their activities e.g. ambassador roles, work experience, sports tournament, talent show, clubs, awards etc.
Years 7-11
Searching for opportunities
Find scholarships, activities, and bursaries to support their journey. Find and compare degrees in the UK and overseas, live apprenticeships, and FE courses.
Years 10-11
Application materials
Write their CV, cover letter, Personal Statement, and more. Track their applications, plan and record their Post 16 / 18 intentions.
Years 10-11
Students were sent a welcome email to their school Outlook account to access the platform for the first time on 24th September 2024. They sign in to Unifrog using their email address and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Pupils will be using Unifrog in their PSHE lessons however, we would encourage you to use the platform with your child at home so you can support them through the process of deciding their next steps.
Parents and Carers can have their own Unifrog account. You’ll be able to research careers, attend webinars delivered by employers and universities to learn more about their opportunities, and compare pathways so you can support your child in making an informed decision about their next steps. Please contact the school’s Careers Leader for the access code. You can also sign up to Unifrog’s parent/carer newsletter when you first sign in to get expert advice and guidance on supporting your child with their next steps.
For more information, go to This link is also accessible from the homepage of our school website.


University and Higher Education

University Guide 2023-2024

Aimhigher West Midlands is a partnership of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), schools, academies and colleges. Together, they want to make sure that young people from less advantaged backgrounds have access to high quality, exciting and challenging experiences that enhance their careers education, motivate, inspire and provide accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance about higher education. This link has a KS3 & KS4 learners area  covering everything from choosing GCSE options to the Journey to Higher Education.

Work Experiences

Year 10 Physical Work Experience

We are running our placements for 3 days from Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th July 2025

The programme will give pupils an important insight of the workplace with an employee while helping to develop their essential employability skills required for life and work.

Pupils have PSHE lessons to introduce what work experience is and how they can gain a placement, in writing formal letters/emails and creating CVs. All this information is in the printed Guide booklets sent home on 23/9/24 (also sent via email & Classcharts).

We are fully aware of the ongoing changes of how businesses operate, however, understanding all the benefits work experience brings, we are encouraging all pupils to make contact with their families, friends and local employers to request their support, as soon as possible.

Work Experience improves the pupil’s communication skills and awareness of the working world around them helping them with making better informed future course and career decisions. Our pupils thrive on being given responsibilities and being treated like an adult, whilst learning and developing at the same time.

By voluntarily addressing ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ businesses make a valuable contribution to the city’s sustainable development goals, improve their competitiveness and increase the loyalty of their customers. This provides an opportunity to promote values and attitudes that serve the needs of business and the community – in the process, potential customers (teachers, students and parents) become more familiar with your organisation.

Is there something our pupils could support your organisation with? E.g. Raise awareness of the organisation with social media, create leaflets/flyers, videos, presentations, resources, podcasts, posters, street surveys, market research, re-organising an area, display boards, employee/community charity events or help organise an event to engage with your customers? Work Experience can help.

In turn, employers might like to use social media to showcase the wonderful work you are doing in supporting young people’s first steps onto their career ladder.

Lastly, we really do appreciate the work and commitment that organisations contribute to helping teach and guide our pupils. Employers can offer their support here Work Experience Reservation Form 2025

Please do not hesitate to get in contact should you need any further assistance.

Once a placement has been agreed.

Pupils must complete the Initial Form online on Unifrog’s Placement Tool.

Year 10 Work Experience Placement Tool
All placements are to be recorded on Unifrog. Pupils log in and select the Placements Tool and add the name of the supervisor, organisation, dates and email address. Reminder of how to do this 2 minute video

The deadline is Monday 16th June 2025

Labour Market Information

Saving the World with STEM

Success at School – Explore a range of career zones

School Leaver Jobs | AllAboutSchoolLeavers – Apprenticeships and jobs from some of the biggest recruiters in the country including British Gas, Boots, BT, Garmin, NHS and Starbucks. School leavers can apply directly from the website and their application is delivered immediately to the recruiter by email. Please click here to see our latest jobs and apprenticeships.
(Click Here) for the latest Youth Employment e magazine.
Gatsby Benchmarks of Quality Careers Guidance

How can employers support their local school?

Can you volunteer to support our Year 7 Meet the Employers Event, Careers Fair, Practice Interviews, Work Experience or Spotlight Talks? If so, please get in touch for more information.

Are you an ex-Hall Green pupil? Please follow our LinkedIn Alumni page for volunteer requests and keeping in touch.

Careers Events

Inspire Careers Event at The Millenium Point