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Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages 

All pupils at Hall Green School study either French or Spanish as a foreign language throughout years 7, 8 and 9. 

At the end of Year 9, we encourage all students to choose a language GCSE as one of their option subjects. 


Pupils of all abilities are encouraged to develop their language learning abilities and are given practice in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. 


We believe that pupils’ enjoyment of the foreign language learning experience is the key to developing the confidence to use the language effectively in a range of social and cultural situations. 


Pupils are offered the opportunity to widen their cultural and linguistic knowledge by going on MFL trips and visits, as well as experiencing language-themed events in school. We have close links with Business Language Champions, who host events where business leaders from a variety of sectors demonstrate how languages have enabled them to succeed in their industry. 


Pupils have also been given the opportunity to attend drama performances in French and Spanish and to visit local French and Spanish restaurants and cafés in order to experience authentic culture. 


The exam board used in MFL is AQA (Edexcel from June 2026 examinations). It offers 2 levels of entry, Foundation and Higher. Entry levels are decided by the class teacher based on performance throughout the course. Pupils undertake a final examination in Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Pupils will be entered for exams in June of Year 11. 


Through strong teaching and varied cultural opportunities we hope to promote pupils’ enthusiasm for language learning generally and encourage them to develop a sensitivity and empathy for other cultures. 

Students will be allocated a language based on teaching groups and to ensure even distribution of numbers and smaller class sizes. 


Our Curriculum for each year group is as follows: 


Year 7 


  • Introduction to French 
  • Likes and dislikes 
  • Describing people 
  • School in France 
  • Freetime and hobbies 
  • Your home and local area 
  • Holidays 

Daily Routines 


Year 8 


  • TV, films and books 
  • Paris 
  • Personal Identity 
  • Home and local area 
  • Food and drink 
  • Talents and hobbies 
  • Personality and character descriptions 
  • Friends and socialising 
  • French speaking cultures around the world 


Year 9 


  • Social Media and technology 
  • Healthy lifestyles 
  • Jobs and future plans 
  • The advantages of language learning 
  • Holidays 
  • Your rights and what matters to you 
  • The French speaking world 


Year 10 


  • Media and technology 
  • Personal identity 
  • Routines 
  • Relationships with friends and families 
  • Role models and celebrations 
  • School in French speaking countries 
  • Relevance of languages to future opportunities 
  • Healthy lifestyle, inlcuding mental health 
  • Making resolutions and lifestyle changes 


Year 11 


  • Holidays and travel 
  • Jobs and future plans 
  • Social issues – environment, social issues and what matters most to you 
  • Revison and preparation for GCSE examinations 




 “It is arrogant to assume that we can get by in English or that everyone else will speak our language.  Learning a foreign language is polite, demonstrates commitment and in today’s world is absolutely essential.” 

-Sir Trevor McDonald 


For further information, please contact Mrs Smallbone, Head of Modern Foreign Languages.